Fill in the gaps using the first or second conditional 1. Will she come if Jason_ 2. If Sarah were rich, she expensive hotel. 3. If he him again. 4. If Dad watch our favourite programme. 5. I homework. 6. If Zack driving test. 7. If you (stay) in an , (not apologise) I will never speak to (fix) the TV set, we will be able to (call) her? (meet) you if I don't finish my your company. 8. Tom will be amazed if you picture you drew. (try) harder, he will pass his (not be) so impolite, I would enjoy (show) him the 100баллв​



Ответ дал: fazilatazimova7


1. Will she come if Jason calls her?

2. If Sarah were rich, she would stay in an expensive hotel.

3. If he doesn't apologise, I will never speak to him again.

4. If Dad fixes the TV set, we will be able to watch our favourite programme.

5. I won't meet you if I don't finish my homework.

6. If Zack tries harder, he will pass his driving test.

7. If you weren't so impolite, I would enjoy your company.

8. Tom will be amazed if you show him the picture you drew.

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