Помогите пожалуйста с английским!!! Срочно!!



Ответ дал: superzimbi


1. Underline the correct item:

1. There's nothing better than the aroma of a (m) **home-cooked** meal that has been lovingly **seasoned** with a variety of carefully selected **herbs** and spices.

2. She said her son became a nourishing **dietary** caterer when he was about seven and would only eat chips, crisps, sausages, processed ham, and **hats**.

3. I am afraid he is going to **spill the beans**.

4. If you have a dream, you should go **after** it.

5. This dish is traditionally made with **poached** eggs.

2. Fill in the missing word:

1. Would you like a **dark** of chocolate?

2. I can't stand **pickled**.

3. Sometimes, some young parents prefer personally cooked **meals**.

4. He has a **balanced** diet; he prefers healthy food.

5. Don't trust Sam. You should take everything he says **with a pinch of salt**.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or present perfect continuous:

1. Joy **has already answered** all the questions.

2. Michael Phelps **has been cleaning** the house since 9 o'clock. Can you give her a hand?

3. They **have swum** for three hours.

4. We **have been to** India twice since they got married.

5. (not/buy) **We haven't bought** all our Christmas presents yet.

6. Hello. How is your **travel** doing? How long **have you been traveling** by plane?

7.1 **Is Helen still waiting** for us?

8. How much **has Helen spent** on her English books?

9. Shella **has been waiting** for us.

10. It **has been raining** continuously since morning.

4. Complete the sentences with the words derived from the words in bold:

1. I'm not saying I like junk food, don't **misunderstand** me.

2. Heavy traffic is one of the biggest **disadvantages** of a big city.

3. Granny can't find her glasses. I think she has **misplaced** them.

4. Don't trust Helen; she is very **dishonest**.

5. I don't **dislike** fish. I hate its smell.

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct particle:

1. How long can an animal go **without** food?

2. The price of bread has gone **up** since last year.

3. **After** the bank robber was caught, he was taken to jail.

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