Task 1. People are talking about their free-time activities. Are the sentences True or False? You will listen to the recording twice.CD2. Transcript 1. Example: Jack likes rock music. True 1. The man works in the afternoon. 2. The woman doesn't have a DVD player. 3. The student likes many kinds of programs. 4. The woman thinks clubs are too expensive. 5. The man likes to cook for friends. 6. The woman likes to visit her cousins. 7. The man sometimes goes out to a fast food place; 8. The woman hates dancing in front of people. 9. Once a month, I have the aftemoon off-then I go skiing. 10. I like to . Weiting​


Ответ дал: maksimzaverjuhha


1. False

2. True

3. True

4. True

5. False

6. True

7. True

8. True

9. False

10. The last sentence is incomplete and seems unrelated to the given statements. It's unclear if it's part of the listening exercise.

maksimzaverjuhha: сделай меня первым пж
jonibek77780: Неправильно
sabitdima08: қое
fontimoko: правильное ?
Maulenmildir: Правильно????
guldana1992th: Нет
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