ACTIVATE Look at the photo of the helicopter rescue and follow the steps in the writing guide. WRITING GUIDE A TASK Imagine that you took the photo of the helicopter rescue. Write a story with the title A Brave Rescue. A BTHINK AND PLAN 1 When and where did the rescue happen? 2 What happened to the person on the stretcher? 3 How did the rescuers know about the accident? 4 Why was the rescue dangerous? 5 How did the rescue end? C WRITE Paragraph 1: Introduction The rescue happened... Paragraph 2: The people and the rescue There was... /There were Paragraph 3: The end and your opinion The rescuers *** D CHECK when, while, as soon as there was, there were . • past simple and past continuous verbs *** • linking words . срочно надо пж
на A and B and C​


Ответ дал: maksimzaverjuhha


**A Brave Rescue**

**A. Introduction**

The brave rescue unfolded on a stormy evening in a rugged mountainous region. The air was tense as dark clouds gathered, signaling an impending storm. In this challenging setting, an urgent call for help echoed through the valleys.

**B. The People and the Rescue**

As the rescue team, comprised of skilled pilots and paramedics, raced against time, they received distress signals from a stranded hiker. The person on the stretcher, battered by the unforgiving terrain, awaited salvation. The rescuers, equipped with unwavering determination, embarked on a perilous mission.

Navigating through turbulent winds and thick clouds, the helicopter crew skillfully descended to the precarious location. On the ground, the rescuers secured the injured hiker onto a stretcher, their actions synchronized like a well-choreographed ballet amid the chaos of nature's fury.

**C. The End and Your Opinion**

In the end, the rescue proved triumphant against the odds. The helicopter, now laden with both the rescuers and the once-stranded hiker, soared above the storm clouds. As they cleared the tumultuous weather, a sense of relief enveloped the team, knowing their courageous efforts had saved a life.

In my opinion, this rescue exemplifies the indomitable spirit of those who risk their lives to save others. The synergy of teamwork, advanced technology, and human resilience prevails even in the face of nature's formidable challenges.

*Note: This composition incorporates elements from the provided writing guide, such as past simple and past continuous verbs, as well as the use of linking words.*

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