1. Task. Put the sentenses into the right order
1) He became the new ruler and with the help of seven kaans, he married the beautiful Altyn Kusku.
2) This special tree was called the World Tree and it united the upper, middle and lower worlds.
3) Kogudei Mergen set all his people free from being slaves.
4) One day, he fall asleep and his sleep lasted for sixty days.
5) A long time ago on the Kazakh steppe, the great Bayterek tree grow.
6) If you look into the sky on a clear night, you can still see them therem watching over the world.
7) To keep him safe, he decided to take Kogudei Mergen to the Black Mountains and leave him there, where a poor woman of Altai found him


Ответ дал: marabena12


5) A long time ago on the Kazakh steppe, the great Bayterek tree grew.

2) This special tree was called the World Tree and it united the upper, middle, and lower worlds.

1) He became the new ruler, and with the help of seven kaans, he married the beautiful Altyn Kusku.

7) To keep him safe, he decided to take Kogudei Mergen to the Black Mountains and leave him there, where a poor woman of Altai found him.

3) Kogudei Mergen set all his people free from being slaves.

4) One day, he fell asleep, and his sleep lasted for sixty days.

6) If you look into the sky on a clear night, you can still see them there, watching over the world.

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