Complete the missing words. The first letter of each word is given. 1 She lives in a little s ______flat in London. 2 I'm so cold! Let me sit next to the r___ warm myself up. 3 They live in a high-rise block on a 1970s housing e_____ 4 This cooker cannot be repaired any more. You'll it. A new one shouldn't be too have to r_____ expensive. 5 It'll take us twenty years to pay off the m____ on this house. to​


Ответ дал: nosuola200

1. She lives in a little studio flat in London.

2. I'm so cold! Let me sit next to the fire warm myself up.

3. They live in a high-rise block on a 1970s housing estate.

4. This cooker cannot be repaired any more. You'll have it. A new one shouldn't be too expensive.

5. It'll take us twenty years to pay off the mortgage on this house.

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