Помогите пожалуйста СРОЧНО выполнить правильно!!!!!



Ответ дал: stepurskaz14


True or False:

1. False - There are two owls in the tree.

2. False - There are five campers.

3. True - They are sitting round the campfire.

4. False - There are tall buildings in the background.

5. True - There is a crescent moon in the sky.

6. False - They are camping in a camper van.

7. True - The lake in the background is very calm.

8. False - There are three yachts on the lake.

9. False - The girl on the left is playing the guitar.

10. True - They are toasting marshmallows.

11. True - There are some fairy lights on the trees.

12. True - The logs for the fire are in the foreground.

Additional Questions:

1. The text does not specify when the trip took place.

2. The trip was a Scouts camping trip.

3. Yes, they were enjoying the trip.

4. The text states that they are in year eleven at school, aged fifteen and sixteen. Therefore, they are fifteen and sixteen years old in the picture.

5. Peter is the one on the far right playing the guitar, and he is now a doctor.

6. Laura, who is sitting between Peter and Marcel, works as an interpreter.

7. Marcel always loved animals and is now a zoo keeper.

8. Marisa married a Belgian and went traveling the world with him. The text does not specify her current situation.

9. Suella is the one with long brown hair.


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