Срочно !
I. Choose the correct answer:

1. You drive carefully in bad weather. A)should, b)may, c) can't

2. It's so cold outside! It be 20 degrees below zero! A)can't, b) might, c) mustn't

3. At 3 p.m. yesterday I... tennis. A) played, b) am playing, c) was playing

4. Our kitten washes every hour. A) him, b) himself, c) itself

5. Look! It..., so we can't go to the beach. A) to rain, b) rains, c) is raining, d) rain

6. The Sun...in the East. A)to rise, b)rise, c) is rising, d) rises

7. After Ron the film, he...to buy the book. A) have seen, decided; b) had seen, decided; c) saw, decided; d) saw, had decided

8. It's ... largest lake in... United Kingdom. A) a, a; b) the, a; c) the, -; d) the, the


Ответ дал: pupsiktopsik6383


1. You drive carefully in bad weather. A) should

2. It's so cold outside! It be 20 degrees below zero! A) can't

3. At 3 p.m. yesterday I... tennis. A) played

4. Our kitten washes every hour. B) himself

5. Look! It..., so we can't go to the beach. C) is raining

6. The Sun...in the East. D) rises

7. After Ron the film, he...to buy the book. B) had seen, decided

8. It's ... largest lake in... United Kingdom. C) the, -

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