Срочно, будь ласка напишіть текст на англійській мові на 100 слів, на будь яку з цих тем:

Have you ever...?

When there is no ambulance

Risking life for a job

Running out of existence

Adventure time

Not "just clothes"

Addiction to buying

Art or rubbish?

Virtual life


Ответ дал: bogdanmikolajovic6


Risking life for a job is a daunting choice many face. Whether climbing skyscrapers or diving into unknown territories, the thrill of adventure can overshadow the dangers. However, when there is no ambulance, the stakes rise. In these moments, one questions if the pursuit of success is worth the gamble. Meanwhile, the virtual life offers an escape, a parallel existence behind screens. Addiction to buying materializes in our obsession with possessions, challenging the notion of necessity. Is it art or rubbish, we ponder, when surrounded by objects that shape our surroundings? Not "just clothes," but expressions of identity, reflecting our journey through the adventure of existence.

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