Linking words 5 Choose the correct word. Compare with your partner.
1) Although/However the bag was supposed to be delivered within three working days, I still have not received it.
2) Furthermore/But, when I tried to contact you, the person who answered the phone was very rude to me
3) and/but kept me holding the line for ten minutes before she aggressively said that my order had been dispatched and would be delivered the day after.
4) In addition/However, I still have not received anything. As a regular customer of yours I feel very disappointed with the way I have been treated.
5) Therefore/Despite, I would like to cancel my order and expect to receive a written apology.


Ответ дал: meowwxsn

1) Although

2) Furthermore

3) but

4) In addition

5) Therefore

можно лучший ответ, пожалуйста

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