Срочно помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!
IV. Write a letter to your penfriend about your after-school activities( 10 sentences), using the plan below
How busy your usual day is.
After-school activities

Dear, _________!
In your letter you are asking me about my usual day.
Пожалуйста помогите до вечера пожалуйста!!!!!!


Ответ дал: qwertyploq
Dear, Mark!
In your letter you are asking me about my usual day. I am ready to answer.
My usual day is not busy at all. It starts with breakfast, than I go to school. I realized that I became too bored, so i signed into an after-school book club. You may know, how much do I love reading and writing stories, so this club is the best option for me. Tomorrow I am having my first lesson!
How are your things going on? Write me.
Your, (твое имя).
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