1. Read the text and answer the questions (Прочитай текст и ответь письменно на вопросы)
William Shakespeare The famous
playwright William Shakespeare was born in the small town of Stratford-upon-Avon in the year 1564. Shakespeare attended school, most likely in Stratford, but there is not enough information as to whether he attended university or not. When he was eighteen, he married a local woman, Anne Hathaway. They had three children. A few years later he moved to London. He had great success there, working as a playwright and becoming the leader of a group of actors, the Lord Chamberlain's Men. Shakespeare is one of the greatest writers in the English language and is the national poet of England. Some of his famous plays are Romeo & Juliet, Othello and King Lear. He died young, at the age of 52, in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1616.

1. Where and when was William Shakespeare born?
2. Who did he marry?
3. Who was William Shakespeare? 4. What are the famous plays of Shakespeare?
5. When did he die?​


ismailovnurgali15: Регула эрегула


Ответ дал: SkamNaBalymaloletok



upon-Avon in the year 1564. Shakespeare attended school, most likely in Stratford, but there is not enough information as to whether he attended university or not. When he was eighteen, he married a local woman, Anne Hathaway. They had three children. A few years later he moved to London. He had great success there, working as a playwright and becoming the leader of a group of actors, the Lord Chamberlain's Men. Shake

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