Write a letter to your pen friend about your help for your parents about the house. Explain in the letter:
- what household duties the members of family have at home;
- what duties you have;
- how often you do them.
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Ответ дал: kardibalet




Dear Alex,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I've been wanting to share with you some aspects of my life, particularly how I've been assisting my parents with household responsibilities.

In our home, each family member has designated duties to keep things running smoothly. Mom is the maestro of the kitchen, crafting delicious meals and overseeing grocery shopping. Dad is the outdoor guru, taking charge of the garden and maintenance tasks. My younger sibling, Emma, is responsible for keeping their room organized and helping with setting the table.

As for me, I've taken on the responsibility of maintaining the cleanliness and order of our shared spaces. This includes vacuuming, dusting, and ensuring everything is in its rightful place. Additionally, I assist with grocery shopping, ensuring we have everything we need for the week ahead.

I make a conscious effort to perform these duties regularly. Daily tasks like tidying up and doing the dishes are handled diligently, while more extensive cleaning and organizing sessions take place over the weekends. It's become a routine that I've grown accustomed to, and it brings a sense of fulfillment to contribute to the well-being of our home

I'm curious to know about your family dynamics and the roles each member plays. Do you have similar responsibilities, or is your household organized differently? Let's exchange stories in our next letters.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm regards,


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