Write a letter to your pen friend about your help for your parents about the house. Explain in the letter:
- what household duties the members of family have at home;
- what duties you have;
- how often you do them.
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Ответ дал: kardibalet



Dear Misha,

I hope this letter finds you well and thriving. It's been a while since we last exchanged letters, and I thought it was high time to catch up on what's happening in each other's lives. Life here has been quite busy, especially on the home front.

In our household, we have a well-established routine when it comes to dividing household duties among the family members. Mom is in charge of managing the household finances and planning our meals. Dad takes care of the outdoor chores like gardening and maintaining the lawn. My younger sibling, Alex, is responsible for keeping their room tidy and helping with setting the table during meals.

As for me, I've taken on a significant role in assisting my parents with various tasks around the house. I am primarily responsible for keeping the common areas clean and organized. This includes vacuuming the floors, dusting the furniture, and ensuring that the shared spaces, such as the living room and kitchen, are always presentable. Additionally, I help out with grocery shopping, which is a task we do on a weekly basis.

Our family believes in the importance of maintaining a clean and orderly home, not just for ourselves but also for the overall well-being of the family. By distributing responsibilities among us, we ensure that no one person is burdened with all the tasks, making the workload manageable and allowing us to enjoy quality time together.

I try to perform these duties on a regular basis to maintain a sense of order and cleanliness in our home. The daily tasks like sweeping and wiping down surfaces are done every day, while more extensive cleaning activities like mopping the floors or deep-cleaning specific areas are usually tackled over the weekends.

Recently, I've also been assisting my parents with some home improvement projects. We decided to repaint the living room and rearrange the furniture to give our home a fresh look. It's been a collaborative effort, and I'm learning a lot about home maintenance and design in the process.

While managing these household duties can be time-consuming, it has been a rewarding experience, and it's great to contribute to the well-being of our family. How about your home? Do you have specific responsibilities, or does your family share the tasks differently? I'm curious to know how things work in your household.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm regards,


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