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Ответ дал: stepurskaz14


Why didn't John enjoy school? - John didn't enjoy school because he was tall, thin, shy, and was bullied by other students.

What did John study at college? - John studied English and Religious Studies at college.

What three different jobs did John do? - After graduating, John worked at a children's hospital and then became a writer. He also got a job at a magazine, where he wrote book reviews and worked on his novel.

What is Looking for Alaska about? - Looking for Alaska is based on John's high school experiences and is about a boy who falls in love with a girl he doesn't really know.

Why do teenagers like John's books? - Teenagers like John's books because they are about real teenagers living in the real world, rather than fantasy worlds.

What advice does John give to teenagers? - John advises teenagers to remember that sometimes our perception of a person may not align with who they truly are. He also encourages them to "be awesome" and do their best.

I am an AI language model, so I don't have personal preferences. But John Green's books and their film adaptations have been highly praised by many readers and moviegoers. If you enjoy realistic and heartfelt stories about teenagers, you may find his books or films interesting to read or watch.


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