I. Use Conditional 1 and Conditional 2

1. If you open the back door, the puppy______________ (to get in)

2. Marvel won't grow up healthy_____ you__________ him properly. (not/to feed)

3. ______ someone ________________the house, Tom will certainly bite him. (to break into)

4. If you don't dry Snoopy right now, he ____________ the sofa. (to ruin)

5. If Jo-Jo doesn't stop barking, the kids__________ (not / to sleep)

6. _______you ________ at Mimi, you'll see how eager he is to receive your attention. (to look)

7. Cesar will get even worse if we__________ him to see the vet. (not/take)

8. If you don't educate your cat, you__________ buy a new armchair. (to have to)

9. Cleopatra will keep looking at you__________you___________ her a snack. (not/ to give)

10. The kitten ____________ used to sleeping in her bed if you teach her since the first day. (to get)

11. If you don't feed the fish, it___________ soon. (to die)

12. Marine turtles will disappear in several years ______we _______ them. (not/ to protect)

II. Use Conditional 2

1. I know Tom __________ (SING) that song if you _________(REQUEST)


2. The trip ____________ (TAKE) a day if all_________ (GO) well.

3. What ___________ (HAPPEN) to our children if nuclear war_________ (BREAK OUT?)

4. If it ___________ (RAIN) tomorrow,
I ________ (STAY) at home all day.

5. If you __________ (WANT) this pen,
I __________ (LEND) it to you.

6. If you___________ (TAKE) this bus,
you __________(GFT) to the village.

7. If we _________ (DECIDE) to hire you,
you _________ (HEAR) from us.

8. If it __________ (BE) sunny tomorrow,
we ________ (GO) on a picnic.

9. If we _________ (EAT) all the cookies,Chris _________ (GET) angry.

10. Mary ________ (MISS) the train if she ________ (NOT HURRY).

11. If you _______ (KNOCK) three times, Joe _________ (LET) you in.

12. If you _________ (START) now, you ________ (GET) there in time.


Ответ дал: superzimbi


I. Use Conditional 1 and Conditional 2

1. If you open the back door, the puppy **will get in**.

2. Marvel won't grow up healthy if **you don't feed** him properly.

3. If someone **breaks into** the house, Tom will certainly bite him.

4. If you don't dry Snoopy right now, he **will ruin** the sofa.

5. If Jo-Jo doesn't stop barking, the kids **won't be able to sleep**.

6. If you **look** at Mimi, you'll see how eager he is to receive your attention.

7. Cesar will get even worse if we **don't take** him to see the vet.

8. If you don't educate your cat, you **will have to buy** a new armchair.

9. Cleopatra will keep looking at you **to give you** her a snack.

10. The kitten will get used to sleeping in her bed if you **teach her** since the first day.

11. If you don't feed the fish, it **will die**.

12. Marine turtles will disappear in several years if we **don't protect** them.

II. Use Conditional 2

1. I know Tom **would sing** that song if you **requested** it.

2. The trip **would take** all day if it **went** well.

3. What **would happen** to our children if a nuclear war **broke out**?

4. If it **rained** tomorrow, I **would stay** at home all day.

5. If you **wanted** this pen, I **would lend** it to you.

6. If you **took** this bus, you **would get** to the village.

7. If we **decided** to hire you, you **would hear** from us.

8. If it **were** sunny tomorrow, we **would go** on a picnic.

9. If we **ate** all the cookies, Chris **would get** angry.

10. Mary **would not hurry** and **would miss** the train if she **started** now.

11. If you **knocked** three times, Joe **would let** you in.

12. If you **get** there in time and **start** now, you **would make** it.

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