4. Choose the correct verb in Present Simple or Present Continuous ( заисати речення вибираючи слово в потрібному часі)

1) School meetings, concerts and celebrations usually take/are taking place in the assembly hall.

2) Our English teacher explains/is explaining us new words and expressions at the moment.

3) My brother prepares/is preparing for his tomorrow test now.

4) It doesn’t take/is not taking me much time to get to school.

5) Are you listening/Do you listen to this English song now?

6) My classmates and I always play/are playing games on the sports ground. даю 30 балов


Ответ дал: thenahida743


1. School meetings, concerts, and celebrations usually take place in the assembly hall.

2. Our English teacher is explaining new words and expressions to us at the moment.

3. My brother is preparing for his test tomorrow now.

4. It doesn’t take me much time to get to school.

5. Are you listening to this English song now?

6. My classmates and I always play games on the sports ground.


сподіваюся що допомогла♡

gigg6375: спасибо
thenahida743: не за что♡
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