1. What is the title of the film?

2. What genre is it?

3. What is it about?

4. Is it based on a book?

5. Where is the film set?

6. When is the film set?

7. Who stars in the film?

8. Who plays the main role(s)?

9. Who is your favourite character in the

film? (Why?)

10. What kind of person would like this film?
ответте на эти вопросы сротчно дам 100 баллов​



Ответ дал: game941
1. I need the title of the film to provide further details.

2. Once you provide the title, I can tell you the genre.

3. I'll need the title to give you a brief overview.

4. Without the title, I can't confirm if it's based on a book.

5. The setting depends on the film, so I need the title.

6. Similarly, the time period is tied to the specific film.

7. If you share the title, I can list the cast.

8. The main roles are linked to the film title as well.

9. I can't share my personal preferences, but I can discuss characters once I know the film.

10. To recommend the film, I'll need more details to understand its appeal.

fff862687: там фото где есть текст я сама не понимаю понелабы не просилбы
fff862687: и не надо так ответчят скам
game941: Иди переводи д у р а
fff862687: думаешь я не перевёл
fff862687: это вся информация от задания и по этому я и спросила
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