Kate's hair is ________ than Emily's.
A more long
B longer
C long
D longest
Students have to pay tuition ________.
A costs
B expenses
C fees
D prices
We have to study Maths. It’s________.
A demanding
B literate
C flexible
D compulsory
If I’m late for work again, my boss ______be angry.
A would
B will
C do
D does
What _______you do if you lost your key?
A do
B would
C will
D did
I’m just cooking our meal, so you _______do anything – just relax!
A mustn’t
B don’t need to
C can’t
I ________ you later if you like.
A ’m helping
B ’ll help
C ’m going to help
D help
My sister’s the person ________ helped me the most at school.
A who
B which
C where


Ответ дал: 09rianna03
1B 2d 3a 4b 5b 6a 7c 8a
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