Complete the sentences by using the correct form of the words in brackets.

Apparently meat consumption (CONSUME) is one of the major causes of damage to the ozone layer. Well, it's because of farming animals really, but if people ate less meat...

1. We try to recycle as much as possible at home. But it's impossible not to create some ____(HOUSE) waste, isn't it?
2. I admire people that work in the____(VOLUNTEER) sector. I mean, they work really hard and do it for no money!
3. There are some really ____(ALARM) statistics about the effects of eating too much sugar.
4. There are lots of career opportunities in the ____(TOUR) industry. You can be a guide, get into publishing, run a hotel. The list of jobs is endless!
5. This milk tastes awful. When was the ____(EXPIRE) date? Yak, last week!!​


Ответ дал: Kormash
1. We try to recycle as much as possible at home. But it’s impossible not to create some household waste, isn’t it?
2. I admire people that work in the voluntary sector. I mean, they work really hard and do it for no money!
3. There are some really alarming statistics about the effects of eating too much sugar.
4. There are lots of career opportunities in the tourism industry. You can be a guide, get into publishing, run a hotel. The list of jobs is endless!
5. This milk tastes awful. When was the expiry date? Yak, last week!!
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