Task 3. Write the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple. (Напиши дієслова з дужок у формі теперішнього часу). Запишіть

повні речення.


0. He usually (run) in the park. He usually runs in the park.

1. I usually___(watch) TV on Saturdays.

2.____ you___ (listen) this music usually?

3. I ____(do) my homework in the evening.

4. He always____ (help) his friends.

5. We ____(not/swim) often.

6. ____she____ (clean) the house every day?


Ответ дал: ilNsfe
1) I usually watch TY on Saturdays. Нічого не змінюється
2) Do you listen this music usually?
3) I do my homework in the evening. Нічого не змінюється.
4) He always helps his friends
5) We don’t swim often
6) Does she clean the house every day?
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