Помогитееее 40 балов



Ответ дал: rboba7267

Вибач що не по порядку

5: Hi Clara,

How are you? I **have been** here in Holland for three weeks now. **I am learning** to get used to the language. My Dutch isn't great, but I **am picking up** a lot of new words. Here, the countryside is very green, which is strange for me. **In Spain, it's more yellow**, but here it **rains** a lot more than you **are used to**.

What's the food like? I like the food here in Holland, but **I am not used to** having lunch so early. We eat much later in Madrid, as you know. I **am really trying** to get used to the weather, but it isn't easy. It's only 18, and it's the middle of June!

Take care and speak soon. Miss you


1. My new bike was hard to ride at first, but I **got used to it** quite quickly.

2. They won't fall. They **are/get used to** climbing walls like that.

3. Waking up early is easy. I **got used to it**. I only started high school last week; I'm still **getting used to it**.

5. Could you **get used to** life in another country?

6. Lisa **is/gets used to** the rain. She's from Scotland!

7. It took us three days to **get used to** the temperature.

8. The traffic was irritating, but we **got used to it** after a few days.


1. This brace isn't very comfortable, **but I'm getting used to it.**

2. **When we moved to** Vietnam, I sweated so much because **we had to get used to eating much earlier.**

3. I work nights. **It was hard at first, but I'm completely used to that timetable now.**

4. **Care you used to it,** being a teacher? **But I don't think I could get used to the cold.**

5. Kate's used to speaking French **as her mother is from Luxembourg.**

6. **I like the idea of living in Russia,** but I just wasn't used to public speaking, or **I'm getting used to it.**

7. **Do you get anxious about the humidity,** or **are you used to it?**


1. I got lost because **I'm used to taking** a different route. ✅

2. For me, the Irish way of life was hard **to get used to.** ✅

3. I can't get used to the fact that the holidays **have finished.** ✅

4. I don't think I could get used to living on a boat. I'd **feel** sick. ✅

5. **Are you used to** having a little brother yet? ❌ (Use "Are you used to" instead of "Are you use to")

6. Yolanda is still **getting used to** her new teachers. ✅

7. I'm used to lots of noise. **I have** six brothers and sisters. ✅

8. I've never played on real grass, so I **won't be used to it.** ✅

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