• Предмет: Психология
  • Автор: katrinamakabula
  • Вопрос задан 1 месяц назад

Tuesday, the twenty-eighth of November.
Ex. 3. Поставте дієслова з дужок в необхідну форму. (Умовні речення ІІІ типу).
1)If I ... (save) more money, I ... (go) to Australia./ If I had saved more money, I would have gone to Australia.
2)If our parents ... (not argue), we ... (spend) the weekend together. 3)They ... (not allow) him to enter the office if he ... (not put on) a tie. 4)If the storm ... (not break out), the ship ... (not sink).
5)I ... (take) you to the airport if I ... (have) a car.
6)You ... (not visit) the doctor if you ... (not drink) cold milk.
7)She ... (not lose) her bag if she ... (be) more careful.
8)If the driver ... (not take) the wrong turning, we ... (not arrive) late


Ответ дал: wnixx


1) If I had saved more money, I would have gone to Australia.

2) If our parents had not argued, we would have spent the weekend together.

3) They would not allow him to enter the office if he did not put on a tie.

4) If the storm had not broken out, the ship would not have sunk.

5) I would have taken you to the airport if I had a car.

6) You would not visit the doctor if you did not drink cold milk.

7) She would not lose her bag if she was more careful.

8) If the driver had not taken the wrong turning, we would not have arrived late.

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