Read the story again and answer the questions. 1 What time of year was it? 2 Was Jack walking in this area for the first time? 3 How many bears did he see? 4 Was the bear afraid of Jack? 5 What jumped onto Jack's back? 6 Which was the larger animal, the mother bear or the mountain lion? 7 What did the bear do next? 8 What did the mountain lion do next?​



Ответ дал: ishchanovaamira31
2)no,he wasn’t. was a place he liked walking in and he knew it well
3)He saw 4 bears.Black bear, a female with her two babies
4)no It wasn't afraid and it didn't try
to attack him. Because Jack walked along the path regularly, the bear knew who
he was.
5)A mountain lion jumped onto Jack’s back.
6) the mother bear was much bigger than the mountain lion
7) the bear stood on its two back legs and pulled the mountain lion off Jack's back.
8) The mountain lion ran off into the trees.
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