Everyday English
Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the list:
• agree to a certain extent
Choose the correct preposition.
1 Terry doesn't buy products from companies
2 Ling enery polite areas man lead from to
A: Hi, Brian. Did you read the article about water pollution in the paper? It says our local river is full of toxic chemicals.
B: Yes, I did. But what can we do about this problem?
A: Well, 1).
... encourage farmers
not to spray chemicals on plants.
B: 12)
.., but not all farmers want
to grow organic produce. I 3)
to fine factories who do not deal with their waste water safely. 4)
.. they wouldn't
dump chemicals in the river.
A: 15)
...., but, the way I see it, most
water pollution comes from people using toxic cleaning products in their homes.
B: 16).
there, Alan. That sort of
waste water doesn't have a big effect.
Phrasal Verbs
Fill in: off, on, out, up, into, over, down (x2).
1 Please, turn......
..... the music. It's giving me a
terrible headache!
2 Let's turn
the TV and go outside to enjoy
the nice weather.
3 Ned turned
. an invitation he received for
a charity dinner.
4 Could you turn ....
....... the volume? I can't hear
what the news presenter is saying.
5 Jim's day turned...
.......... a nightmare when he
lost his job.
6 Rita turned it ........... in her mind before making
7 Tims nst to the homeless haiter tuned
5 All the crew were at/in a panic when the tanker started capsizing.
6 The Siberian tiger is at/in risk of becoming extinct.
7 Animals should live on/in the wild rather than being locked up in zoos.
8 Tina got confused by/from the instructions the man at the recycling centre gave her.
Word Formation
Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
1 The President wants to introduce
for all citizens. (AFFORD)
2 Pollution is a(n)
issue which needs to be controlled urgently.
Pam enjoyed looking up at the skies when she

went camping. (STAR)
4 For
reasons, Keith couldn't manage to find a job.
5 It's up to each
to sort out their recyclable waste. (RESIDE)
6 The whole town was left in complete
because of
the power cut. (DARK)
Read the rubric and complete the writing task.
you to write an essay



Ответ дал: thenahida743



A: Hi, Brian. Did you read the article about water pollution in the paper? It says our local river is full of toxic chemicals.

B: Yes, I did. But what can we do about this problem?

A: Well, I agree to a certain extent. We should encourage farmers not to spray chemicals on plants.

B: I agree, but not all farmers want to grow organic produce. I propose to fine factories who do not deal with their waste water safely. If they wouldn't dump chemicals in the river.

A: I agree to a certain extent, but the way I see it, most water pollution comes from people using toxic cleaning products in their homes.

B: I agree. However, Alan, that sort of waste water doesn't have a big effect.

Phrasal Verbs:

Please, turn down the music. It's giving me a terrible headache!

Let's turn off the TV and go outside to enjoy the nice weather.

Ned turned down an invitation he received for a charity dinner.

Could you turn up the volume? I can't hear what the news presenter is saying.

Jim's day turned into a nightmare when he lost his job.

Rita turned it over in her mind before making a decision.

Tim's visit to the homeless shelter turned out to be a rewarding experience.


Terry doesn't buy products from companies in certain areas.

Ling encourages polite man from energy to lead.

I propose to fine factories for not dealing with their waste water safely.

But they wouldn't dump chemicals into the river.

I agree to a certain extent, but the way I see it, most water pollution comes from people using toxic cleaning products in their homes.

I agree to a certain extent, but, the way I see it, most water pollution comes from people using toxic cleaning products in their homes.

Word Formation:

The President wants to introduce affordable healthcare for all citizens.

Pollution is a global issue that needs to be controlled urgently.

Pam enjoyed looking up at the skies when she went camping. (STAR)

For various reasons, Keith couldn't manage to find a job.

It's up to each resident to sort out their recyclable waste.

The whole town was left in complete darkness because of the power cut.


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