Questic A. Complete the sentences with the correct tag ending Present 1. You are my friend, 2. You don't like carrots, 3. My sister is at your home, 4. Jane lives in São Paulo, 5. Roger and Jack are students, Past 1. My friends were invited, 2. George didn't study, 3. She paid you, 4. Susan was at home, 5. Laura called you, Present Perfect 1. My sister has arrived, 2. They have traveled, 3. You haven't bought it, 4. Bob and you have met, 5. We haven't watched it, Future ? 1. You will visit me, 2. We are going to travel, 3. He isn't going to talk to me, 4. They won't arrive, 5. She will invite me, 2. Peter bought a new car, 3. You didn't do the homework, 4. She is late, 5. Your mother likes salad, ? 12. You invited him, 13. Marian was late,...... 14 Regon and Re 6. Bob and Jack live in New York, 7. He is studying, ..? 8. You were not sleeping, 9. My friend called you, 10. I didn't pay you, 11. Helen wasn't hurt, ? ? ..? ? ? .? B. Complete the sentences with the correct tag ending. 1. Jane has just left, .? 16. Sar 17. Tec 18. You 19. Joh 20. You ? ? ..? ..? 1. She is 2. Your 3. Her f 4. Mary .? 5. Miss 1. They 2. Sama. ? 3. Mary 4. Silvio 5. She w 1. You ho 2. She h 3. He ha 4. We h 5. They 1. She c 2. They 3. You w 4. It cou 5. He sh ? 21. He 22. You 23. The 24. You 25. You 26. I c 27. Gec 28. Sus 20 Th​



Ответ дал: kaguellion

1. aren't you? do you? isn't she? Doesn't she? Aren't they?

2 weren't they? Did he? Didn't she? Wasn't she? Didn't she?

3 hasn't she? Haven't they? Have you? Haven't you? Have we?

4 won't you? Aren't we? Is he? Will they? Won't she?

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