10.23 Заполните пропуски данными правильными глаголами в соответствующей грамматической форме:
to try, to use, to look through, to chat, to carry, to hope, to happen (to)
1. My sister always...........to be in time for lessons (to try). 2. Could you...........to finish your article today? (to
try) 3. Yesterday I...........to remember the words of one English song, but I couldn't do it (to try). 4.......you
...........to find your documents yesterday? (to try) 5. When we were doing exercises, we had to...........new
words (to use). 6. Our secretary always ...........a dictionary when she translates business letters (to use).
7. We...........Internet sites tonight when we write a new article (to use). 8. When my sister has free time, she
likes...........fresh newspapers and magazines (to look through). 9. Yesterday I...........my. notes, but I didn't
find the address you needed (to look through). 10. As soon as I get home, I...........some Internet sites (to look
through). 11. What.... you ...........about during the lesson? {to chat). 12......you often...........in Internet? (to
chat) 13. When I met my colleague in the street he...........a large box (to carry). 14. My sister...........that she
¦ will be able to drive a car in a few weeks (to hope). 15. We...........yesterday that our friends were waiting for us
after work, but they weren't (to hope). 16. You should...........that everything will be all right (to hope). 17. What
...........toyou? (to happen) 18. How.....it...........that you hurt your leg? (to happen) 19. Do you know what
...........to your brother last Sunday? (to happen). 20. Sometimes strange things..................to me (to happen).
21. What....................at the railway station now? (to happen)


Ответ дал: drager92


1. My sister always **tries** to be in time for lessons.

2. Could you **try** to finish your article today?

3. Yesterday I **tried** to remember the words of one English song, but I couldn't do it.

4. **Did** you **try** to find your documents yesterday?

5. When we were doing exercises, we had to **use** new words.

6. Our secretary always **uses** a dictionary when she translates business letters.

7. We **will use** Internet sites tonight when we write a new article.

8. When my sister has free time, she likes **to look through** fresh newspapers and magazines.

9. Yesterday I **looked through** my notes, but I didn't find the address you needed.

10. As soon as I get home, I **will look through** some Internet sites.

11. What **were** you **chatting** about during the lesson?

12. **Do** you often **chat** on the Internet?

13. When I met my colleague in the street, he **was carrying** a large box.

14. My sister **hopes** that she will be able to drive a car in a few weeks.

15. We **hoped** yesterday that our friends were waiting for us after work, but they weren't.

16. You **should hope** that everything will be all right.

17. What **happened** to you?

18. How **did it happen** that you hurt your leg?

19. Do you know what **happened** to your brother last Sunday?

20. Sometimes strange things **happen** to me.

21. What **is happening** at the railway station now?

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