Hi, I’m Julie and my best friend is Hanna. We are always together. We are both 13 years old and we are in the same class. Hanna lives in the same street as me and we like to spend our free time together. When we have a break in school, we sometimes play skipping and sometimes we just sit and chat. We always walk home together and talk about our homework. At the weekends, we usually go to the mall, Hanna always wants to go shopping but I often like to do other things, like skating or going to the cinema. We plan our day together and rarely disagree. She often sleeps over on Saturdays, we watch TV or a film together and we usually eat popcorn or sometimes we have a pizza. Our parents often say we are like twins as we are so alike.
Say True and False:
Hanna and Julie are cousins
They are 13 years old
Hanna lives in same street
They go to different schools
On Mondays, they usually go to the mall
They often quarrel
Hanna doesn't give her clothes to Julie
They interesting hobbies.
Julie's hobby is to make photos.
Julie's hobby is to make poems ​


Ответ дал: fckknss

Hanna and Julie are cousins - FALSE

They are 13 years old - TRUE

Hanna lives in same street - TRUE

They go to different schools - FALSE

On Mondays, they usually go to the mall - FALSE

They often quarrel - FALSE

На остальное в тексте ответов нет

Ответ дал: lizamartynenko60


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