14. Soft music 15. 16. It. 17. Was 18. I children? -1 (not hear) it. 19. I 20. It day. (play) when I (you buy) that bag while I (be) peaceful and the birds (Jimmy, already wait) for you when you (get) there? (ring) at about 3 o'clock yesterday, but you (not pick) up the phone. - What (help) Dad in the garden so I probably (lie) in the bath when the phone (stop) after a few rings. (be) cold when we (look) after the (sing). (you do)? (ring). It (leave) the house that помогите пожалуйста ​


Ответ дал: zimen11111

Звучить як досить заплутаний варіант вправи. Давайте розберемося крок за кроком:

14. Soft music **_was playing_** when I **_bought_** that bag.

15. It **_was a peaceful day_** when I **_got_** there.

16. **_Were you buying_** that bag while I **_was_** peaceful, and the birds **_were_** already waiting for you?

17. What **_were_** you **_doing_** at about 3 o'clock yesterday, but you **_didn't pick_** up the phone?

18. - What **_helped_** Dad in the garden? - I probably **_was lying_** in the bath when the phone **_stopped_** after a few rings.

19. It **_was_** cold when we **_looked_** after the **_singing_**.

20. **_Did you leave_** the house that day?

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