опишіть картинку на вибірза планом ( 8 -10 речень) внизу срочно



Ответ дал: yaroslava08052007

I would like to describe the first picture because it shows a healthier way of living than the second one. In this picture we can see football players, they are playing on the field, perhaps this is a competition or some kind of match. I see people in black uniforms on the field. It is usually believed that these are judges, if I am not mistaken, but in this case I don’t think it is them. The players compete for the ball, in the background we can see fans or just people who came to watch the game. If I delve deeper into the picture, I can imagine that each person is holding the flag of the team they support.

Anyway - the first picture shows a healthy lifestyle that I lean towards more than the one shown in the second picture


Як я розумію, треба описати лише одну картинку, правильно?

krizhanovskyn: спс мне 11 поставили просто лудший
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