III Open the brackets, using Present Perfect or Past Simple (be) awful in the past few days. 1) The weather (pack) her suitcase last night. 2) Emma 3) Shall we play tennis? We 4 (not play) since we were children. (just come) back from our holidays ) We 5) You parcel (arrive). The postman (bring) it two hours ago. 6) He (be) at his computer for two hours.

Помогите!!!! 30 балов​


Ответ дал: HatsuneMiku5535


1) The weather has been awful in the past few days.  

2) Emma packed her suitcase last night.

3) Shall we play tennis? We haven't played it since we were children.

4) We have just came back from our holidays.

5) You parcel has arrived. The postman brought it two hours ago.

6) He has been at his computer for two hours.


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