Listen to Gemma talking to two people about shopping. Tick the correct answers.

1. Leo likes shopping ...

a) at charity shops.

b) at the Farmers' Market.

c) at the shopping centre.

2. Gemma's mum likes shopping...

a) at charity shops.

b) at the Farmers' Market.

c) at the shopping centre.

nazarbelaev876: Помогите пожалуйста срочно надо
missispresident5: нужна аудио дорожка


Ответ дал: kiyaharostik


1.Leo likes shopping at thr shopping centre. 1-C

2.Gemma's mum likes shopping at the Famers' Market. 2-B

nazarbelaev876: Спасибо огромное сильно помогли мне
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