Complete the sentences: can, can't, must, mustn't, need, needn't, should, shouldn't! finish your work, because it's late. get up early, we 1. You.................. 2. We 3. Don't be nervous! You nervous. 4. John more. 5. People 6. These boys are too young, they. 7. The windows aren't dirty, youe 8. It's very hot ion summer. We 9. The mother 10. Jim and jack have a lot of horses. They 11.1. 12. Before dinner people 13. We be calm. You translate the English text. He smoke in this building, because it's forbidden. go to the disco. end. 14. This girl 15. Susan has a lot of free time, 16. It's a fantastic movie. You 17. You 18. We 19. Jim 20. Children 21. This family for them. 28. Tom 29. Julia 30, You 31. 1 32. You 33. Our children 34. Children more. help you, because I don't know the solution. wash their hands. the meeting early, we she ****.. clean them, **** be late. water the flowers twice a week. go to the bank, because she hasn't got any money. ride a horse. drink so much cola. It's not healthy. hurry, 22. My friend 23. Our mother is very old and ill, she 24. This flat isn't big enough, you 25. These documents are very important, we 26. This dog isn't hungry, you 27. I see it. learn to ride a bike. It's very useful. forget to visit our grandparents at the weekend. remember to feed his cat before he goes to work. eat a chocolate every day. relax more, because he is depressed. buy a bigger house, because this house is too small rent this. stay until the work in the garden. lose them. be feed it. speak German fluently, because I always learn hard. forget to turn off the TV before he goes to bed. learn remember to turn off the lights before she goes away. go home. You write an essay now. I be afraid of my dog, because it's very friendly. ***.. stay here if you want. do it tomorrow. sing well. They don't have a good ear for music. watch Tv so much. They learn​


Ответ дал: firstkreox


  1. You must finish your work because it's late.
  2. We should get up early, we have a busy day ahead.
  3. Don't be nervous! You shouldn't be nervous.
  4. John must study more.
  5. People shouldn't smoke in this building; it's forbidden.
  6. These boys are too young, they can't drive.
  7. The windows aren't dirty, you needn't clean them.
  8. It's very hot in summer. We should drink plenty of water.
  9. The mother must be calm.
  10. Jim and Jack have a lot of horses. They needn't buy more.
  11. Before dinner, people should wash their hands.
  12. We must end the meeting early, we have another appointment.
  13. This girl should go to the disco.
  14. Susan has a lot of free time, she can learn to ride a bike.
  15. It's a fantastic movie. You should watch it.
  16. You shouldn't drink so much cola, it's not healthy.
  17. You shouldn't hurry, take your time.
  18. My friend can help you because he knows the solution.
  19. Children should wash their hands before eating.
  20. This family should rent a bigger house, this one is too small for them.
  21. Tom should stay until the work in the garden is finished.
  22. My friend shouldn't forget to visit our grandparents at the weekend.
  23. Our mother is very old and ill, she shouldn't forget to feed her cat before she goes to work.
  24. This flat isn't big enough, you should rent a larger one.
  25. These documents are very important, we must not lose them.
  26. This dog isn't hungry, you needn't feed it.
  27. I can see it.
  28. Children should learn to speak German fluently, it's very useful.
  29. Julia shouldn't forget to turn off the TV before she goes to bed.
  30. You shouldn't forget to turn off the lights before you go away.
  31. You should go home.
  32. You must write an essay now.
  33. I needn't be afraid of my dog, it's very friendly.
  34. You can stay here if you want.
  35. You needn't do it tomorrow.
  36. They can't sing well, they don't have a good ear for music.
  37. They shouldn't watch TV so much, they need to learn.

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