3 b) Write sentences with if about the events and consequences. Exemple: If I hadn't lost my wallet, I would have bought lunch at school. 1) I easted a lot of money on clothes. 2) I overslept 3) I didn't do my homework. 4) I didn't know you were ill. 5) It rained all weekend. 6) My friend lent me some money. a) I got a bad grade. b) I didn't visit you in hospital. c) We couldn't go to the mountains. d) I could buy a present for my mum. e) I was late for school. f) I ran out of money.


Ответ дал: dd5731577


1) If I hadn't wasted a lot of money on clothes, I could have bought a present for my mum.

2) If I hadn't overslept, I wouldn't have been late for school.

3) If I had done my homework, I wouldn't have gotten a bad grade.

4) If I had known you were ill, I would have visited you in the hospital.

5) If it hadn't rained all weekend, we could have gone to the mountains.

6) If my friend hadn't lent me some money, I would have run out of money.


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