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There was no United States of America in the early 1770 and the name of the country the United States of America wasn't used until 1776. Before that Americans had no Constitution, no States, no national government. They lived in thirteen colonies which stretched from the Atlantic coast to the Mississippi. They were not independent then. Great Britain was a powerful country more than two thousand miles away across the Atlantic ocean and ruled the American colonies. It ruled the American colonies from 1607 to 1776, more than 150 years. During much of this time Great Britain was busy with problems in Europe. Leaders in the American colonies learnt to govern themselves. They had brought British customs and law to America with them. There were many important leaders in early America, among them Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. They were founders of the country because they helped to establish its new system. They led the fight to free the country from British rule. Meanwhile the English imposed high taxes on the goods that came to North America. This made the people in America angry. "Why must we pay taxes to the government in England?" they complained, and in 1776 the War of Independence began. George Washington became the commander-in-chief of the American Army. The Americans fought with alternate success. The English finally had to leave the country in 1783. On 4 July, 1776 representatives from 13 American colonies signed a document which said the colonies no longer belonged to Britain. It was in fact a letter addressed to the king. George III. It became known as the Declaration of Independence. In this document the Americans declared they wouldn't obey the king. They had the right to choose their own government. Something new was under the sun, a system of government in Lincoln's words "of the people, by the people and for the people." In the Declaration it was accepted that all men were created equal and God had given them certain rights and among them are life, liberty and the right of happiness. Since then 4 July is celebrated in the USA as Independence Day,​


Ответ дал: cawkokril


В 1776 году, на территории, которая позднее станет Соединенными Штатами Америки, произошла Война за независимость. В результате этой войны американские колонии подписали Декларацию независимости от Великобритании 4 июля 1776 года. В ней объявлялось, что колонии больше не принадлежат Великобритании, а народ имеет право выбирать свое собственное правительство. С тех пор 4 июля отмечается в США как День независимости.

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