13. 1 home for lunch on Mondays. I have lunch in the canteen. C) don't go A) didn't go D) doesn't go 14. Westminster Abbey is the ancient old church in which the coronation ceremonies of almost all English kings and queens. place. A) will take D) is taking B) was going E) will not go B) was taken E) have taken 15. This is the most interesting film I ever A) didn't/see B) was/seen D) have/seen E) had/seen A) were D) be 17. Paul a student of Cambridge University. B) are E) is C) was taking 16. "Nobody in that country," said Pinocchio to his friend. A) don't learn B) are learning C) learns D) doesn't learn E) learn C) have /saw C) am пж помогите ​


Ответ дал: thenahida743


1. I DON'T GO home for lunch on Mondays. I have lunch in the canteen.

2. Westminster Abbey is the OLDEST ancient church in which the coronation ceremonies of almost all English kings and queens HAVE TAKEN place.

3. This is the most interesting film I ever HAVE SEEN.

4. "Nobody in that country," said Pinocchio to his friend, LEARNS.

5. Paul IS a student of Cambridge University.

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