Помогите пожалуста

1.Write the recipe of a dish you like. (7-8 sentences)

2. Complete the text with the following words.

something , healthy, bread, to grow, eat ,sugar ,oil, tomatoes , drink

To stay _____(1) you should eat as much fresh food as possible. You shouldn’t _____(2) too much food from packages.

There’s too much _____(3) and salt in it. Eat vegetables, fruit, nuts, fish, yogurt and olive _____(4). You shouldn’t eat too much meat. Eat _____(5) , peppers, broccoli, spinach, and beans instead. Brown bread is better than white _____(6). If you want _____(7) sweet, eat fruit: an apple, a peach or some plums or cherries. If you are thirsty, you should _____(8) water and not a fizzy drink. You try … (9) some food yourself.

anussenov: Напиши рецепт блюда которое тебе нравится на русском
anussenov: Чтобы я мог написать на ангглийском
mutnuksofia: спасибо
mutnuksofia: Ти попала в точку, я хотела именно так


Ответ дал: anussenov

Я не знаю рецепт твоего любимого блюда на английском поэтому пишу рецепт своего.
1. First take a bag of dumplings, cut it open. Then put some water in a pot, add salt and wait until it boils, make sure the stove is on max heat. When it does, put in the dumplings. Stir it so that the dumplings don't stick to the pot. As soon as the dumplings rise to the surface change the heat to medium and cook for another 5-7 minutes. When they're done take them out and put them in your plate, there you can add parsley or dill to make the taste richer. Enjoy the delicious dumplings!


1. Healthy

2. Eat

3. Sugar

4. Oil

5. Tomatoes

6. Bread

7. Something

8. Drink

9. To grow

Если что в начале рецепт пельменей

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