Task 3. Complete the sentences with the correct modal verbs (доповніть речення правильним модальним дієсловом).

1) It's very hot in here. (should/could) you open the window, please? Yes, of course.

2)-We are going to the river. Will you join us?

Sorry, my parents and I (have to/can) visit my grandparents.

3)-I have done my homework, Mum.

OK, clean your room and you (must, may) go for a walk.

4)-(should, can) you play basketball, Tim?

Not very well.

5) Don't give the knife to the boy. He (must, may) cut himself.


Ответ дал: sakritiv


It's very hot in here. Could you open the window, please? Yes, of course.

We are going to the river. Will you join us?

Sorry, my parents and I have to visit my grandparents.

I have done my homework, Mum.

OK, clean your room and you may go for a walk.

Can you play basketball, Tim?

Not very well.

Don't give the knife to the boy. He may cut himself.


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