Read the text and write the names 1.It is s brithday tiday 2. filled the leges if the doll with cottob 3. worked with cotton. 4. brought a box 5. closed the box with a ribbon. 6. brought a card помогите пжж я дам 60 балл


Ответ дал: samiraizanova

Відповідь:Today it is my best friend Leyla’s birthday. I always give handmade

presents to my friends on their birthdays. Yesterday evening I

decided to knit a doll for Leyla. First, I knitted the legs. Then my

brother Nariman joined me. While I was knitting the arms, he was  filling the legs with cotton. At the same time, my mom was knitting a dress for the doll. We all were working when dad entered the room with a big box. First, I didn’t know what it was for. Then I understood that it was a present

box. Nariman finished filling all the body parts with cotton and then helped me knit the hair of the doll. While we were knitting the hair, dad was decorating the box. Finally, the doll was ready. Mom put the doll in the box. She was closing the box with a ribbon when Nariman stopped her. He gave mom a birthday card and asked ribbon her to put it into the box, too. I was very happy. Thanks to my family, I prepared a very beautiful present for Leyla.

nurlanyunusov2010: Спасибо огромное
safronov070711: Это не правильно
safronov070711: Там надо из текста имена вставить кто что делал
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