5. Circle the correct answer. Use the past simple or present perfect.
New Message
I’m having a good time with Justine and her family. They 1) moved /’ve moved here last summer, so they’re still getting used to their new place. It’s quite big and modern and they 2) decorated / ’ve decorated it beautifully. Justine 3) didn’t change / hasn’t changed. She’s just the same - full of fun!
My French 4) improved / has improved a lot – I can understand more now than when I arrived – and I 5) learnt /’ve learnt to ride a scooter, so we go out on our scooters every day. Justine 6) bought /’s bought one last year, and I 7) hired / ’ve hired one.
Yesterday we 8) had / ’ve had a wonderful time at the swimming pool. We go there quite often and I 9) got / ’ve got quite good at diving.


Ответ дал: maksimzaverjuhha


Certainly! Here are the correct choices:

1. They **moved** here last summer, so they’re still getting used to their new place.

2. It’s quite big and modern, and they **have decorated** it beautifully.

3. Justine **hasn’t changed**. She’s just the same - full of fun!

4. My French **has improved** a lot – I can understand more now than when I arrived.

5. I **have learnt** to ride a scooter, so we go out on our scooters every day.

6. Justine **bought** one last year, and I **hired** one.

7. Yesterday we **had** a wonderful time at the swimming pool.

8. We go there quite often, and I **have got** quite good at diving.

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