5 Add a relative pronoun or adverb to each sentence.
Which two sentences do not need the pronoun?

1 The mushrooms we bought yesterday weren't fresh.
2 What's the name of the woman wrote The Hunger
3 I can't find the key opens this door.
4 July and August are the months most people go on
5 I'd like to speak to the person cooked this meal.
6 The Italian town Parma, my father was born, is famous
for the ham they make.
7 The cookery book you gave me is very good.
8 The happiest day in my life was the day I became a


Ответ дал: mkuzmenko

1. The mushrooms we bought yesterday weren't fresh.

  • No relative pronoun needed.

2. What's the name of the woman wrote The Hunger Games?

  •   It should be: "What's the name of the woman who wrote The Hunger Games?"
  •  The relative pronoun "who" is needed here to connect the clause to "the woman" as the subject.

3. I can't find the key opens this door.

  •    It should be: "I can't find the key that opens this door."
  •   The relative pronoun "that" is needed to connect the two clauses.

4. July and August are the months most people go on holiday.

  •   No relative pronoun needed.

5. I'd like to speak to the person cooked this meal.

  •   It should be: "I'd like to speak to the person who cooked this meal."
  •   The relative pronoun "who" is required to introduce the clause and connect it to "the person."

6. The Italian town Parma, my father was born, is famous for the ham they make.

  •   It should be: "The Italian town Parma, where my father was born, is famous for the ham they make."
  •   The relative adverb "where" is needed to introduce the clause and connect it to "Parma."

7. The cookery book you gave me is very good.

  •   No relative pronoun needed.

8. The happiest day in my life was the day I became a vegetarian.

  •   No relative pronoun needed.

Based on the additions, sentences 1, 4, 7, and 8 did not require a relative pronoun or adverb.

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