1. She forgot to a. take b. do c. bring 2. a. will b. shall c. did 3. He c. find Test I (USE of ENGLISH) Do the test. Choose the correct variant (a, b, c) her homework. a. has b. have c. had 4. Tennis is a popular_ a. match b. game c. sport 5. We could a. found b. to find 6. It was 7. There you go to school yesterday? a. happy b. happier c. the happiest 9. It got a job working for a bank. 10. a. are b. is c. were a. were b. was c. be 8. When the wind blows, the sand a. flew b. fly c. flies a. happens b. has happened c. happened a. Are b. Is c. Do 11. Once there a hole in the fence. day in my life. in Britain. two days ago. many pictures on the walls of my room. you ready to order now? Task II (p. 73 Cl. On) Fill in: by, of, from, in, to 1. the shore... a lake. two sisters, named Annie and Jenny. through the air. 2.... fact 3. home. the Presidentcar 4. the best... the world 5. to freeze... death 6. to be far ... smth 7. full... smth ДОПОМОЖІТЬ БУДЬ ЛАСКА!​



Ответ дал: lizasivolozska07

1. She forgot to bring her homework. (c)

2. Did she go to school yesterday? (c)

3. Tennis is a popular sport. (c)

4. We could not find the pictures. (b)

5. It was a happy day in my life. (a)

6. It happened two days ago. (c)

7. There were many pictures on the walls of my room. (c)

8. Are you ready to order now? (c)

Task II:

1. by the shore of a lake.

2. two sisters, named Annie and Jenny.

3. from through the air.

4. in the President's car.

5. of the best in the world.

6. to freeze to death.

7. to be far from something.

8. full of something.

Ответ дал: ezirfren1

1. Do

2. Did

3. Has

4. Sport


6.The happiest day



9. Happened



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