COMMUNICATION Match. 1. Can I help you? 2. How do I get to the station? 3. May I see your library card? 4. Is there a train to Lincoln at four o'clock? 5. Thank you very much. 6. Which sight is the most popular? 7. Could we go cycling today? O 00000 a. You're welcome. b. Turn left at the bank and it's on your right. c. I'm afraid not. It's freezing outside. d. The castle, I think e. Yes, I'm looking for Mrs Watkins. f. Here you are g. Let me check. Score СРОЧНННООООООО​


Ответ дал: mrakst


Can I help you? - e. Yes, I'm looking for Mrs. Watkins.

How do I get to the station? - b. Turn left at the bank, and it's on your right.

May I see your library card? - f. Here you are.

Is there a train to Lincoln at four o'clock? - g. Let me check.

Thank you very much. - a. You're welcome.

Which sight is the most popular? - d. The castle, I think.

Could we go cycling today? - c. I'm afraid not. It's freezing outside.



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