Скласти 10 речень з What is this? СРОЧНО ПЖЖЖЖЖЖ​


Ответ дал: Karinakarnawila
1. What is this? I've never seen anything like it before.
2. What is this? Can you provide some context or explanation?
3. What is this? It looks intriguing, but I can't quite identify it.
4. What is this? It seems to have an unusual design.

Karinakarnawila: 5. What is this? I'm curious about its purpose and function.
6. What is this? It caught my attention – is it a new gadget?
7. What is this? I'm puzzled; it doesn't resemble anything familiar.
8. What is this? It appears to be some kind of artistic creation.
9. What is this? I need more information to understand its use.
10. What is this? I'm genuinely intrigued; it seems unique and interesting.
tanyarebenduk: дякуюююююю
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