E. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. A: So, are you coming to the beach with us? B: I don't know. It's a bit cold today. A: What? It's (1) (hot) than it was yesterday and (2) (sunny). B: Really? And where are you going? A: To Blue Bay Beach. B: But that's the (3) (popular) beach around here! It's always (4) (crowded) than the other beaches. A: The other beaches may not be as (5) (crowded) or as (6) (noisy) as Blue Bay Beach, but Blue Bay is the (7) (nice) of all!​


Ответ дал: Hemogypridymatnik


1. Hotter

2. Sunnyer

3.most popular

4.most crowded


5. Noises


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