Find the words on the topic «The world around you» and write
them down.
a river, a book, water, coffee, to discover, are eating, went, an ocean, a
sea, a toy, Africa, helped, a lion, mountains, a bedroom, a face, waterfalls, a
mouth, did not put, America, a country, a wife, ugly, was, Australia, the north,
a pet, my hobby, a lake, a tie, a sofa, is doing, the south, an island, an ice -
cream, a continent, a ship, brought, the east, a fox, a map, the west.


rols11lsk: Там должен быть текст The world around you надо прочитать тот текст и найти слова из слов ниже


Ответ дал: novosadtamara73


a river, water, to discover, an ocean, a sea, mountains, a lake, waterfalls, a mountain, a toy, a lion, a bedroom, a face, Africa, America, Australia, the north, the south, an island, a continent, a ship, the east, the west.

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