a) Choose the correct item.
1 It would be confusing for the sun to be shining
at midnight. Firstly/Therefore, we need time
zones to ensure local time matches the local
2 Scrapping time zones would be good for trade.
This way,/This is because all the markets
would be open at the same time.
3 In contrast/Above all, there are a number of
arguments against scrapping time zones.
4 For instance/All things considered, I believe
having time zones is beneficial.
5 This is due to/Without a doubt, scrapping
time zones would be advantageous for
frequent travellers.
b) Which sentence (1-5) is a topic sentence?


Ответ дал: GGeldar



1. Therefore, we need time zones to ensure local time matches the local conditions.

2. This is because all the markets would be open at the same time.

3. Above all, there are a number of arguments against scrapping time zones.

4. All things considered, I believe having time zones is beneficial.

5. Without a doubt, scrapping time zones would be advantageous for frequent travelers.

b) Sentence 3, "Above all, there are a number of arguments against scrapping time zones," is a topic sentence as it introduces the main point or argument against scrapping time zones.

Ответ дал: s1squ3f


a) 1) Therefore

2) This

3) In contrast

4) All things

5) Without

b) 1


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