Нужно сложить диалог срочно даю 100 балов
Make up the dialogue and act it out. a) What do you do at Science and IT lessons? b) What are your favourite subjects at school, Vicky? c) Why are they important for you? d) Why do you like them? e) I like them because the lessons are interesting. 1) Because I want to be a doctor. Science teaches me about the human body. IT is important because doctors use computers at work. g) I like Science and IT. h) At Science lessons we do a lot of experiments. At our IT lessons we learn to use the computer and the Internet. These subjects are very important for me.​


Ответ дал: Ihelpissl


Vicky: Hi, Sarah! What do you do at Science and IT lessons?

Sarah: Hey, Vicky! At Science lessons, we learn about different scientific concepts and do a lot of experiments. It's fascinating to see how things work in the world around us. In IT lessons, we learn to use computers and the internet effectively.

Vicky: That sounds really cool! Are Science and IT your favorite subjects at school?

Sarah: Yes, they are! Science and IT are not only interesting but also important for me.

Vicky: Why are they important to you?

Sarah: Well, I want to be a doctor in the future, and Science is crucial for understanding the human body, diseases, and medical advancements. IT is also important because doctors often use computers and technology in their work.

Vicky: That's amazing! Why do you like Science and IT?

Sarah: I like them because the lessons are engaging, and I enjoy exploring new concepts and conducting experiments. It's fascinating to see how science and technology shape our world.

Vicky: I can see why you like them. What do you usually do during your Science and IT lessons?

Sarah: At Science lessons, we not only learn theory but also perform hands-on experiments to reinforce our understanding. In IT lessons, we learn computer skills and how to use the internet safely and effectively.

Vicky: Those subjects sound really important and interesting. I can understand why they are essential to you.

Sarah: Yes, they definitely are. Science and IT open up a world of possibilities for my future career and also help me develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Vicky: I'm glad you enjoy those subjects, Sarah. They sound exciting!


Ответ дал: asetaset626

a) Teacher: So, what do you usually do during Science and IT lessons?

Student: At Science lessons, we often conduct experiments to learn more about different scientific concepts. In IT, we focus on using computers and the Internet.

b) Teacher: Vicky, what are your favorite subjects at school?

Vicky: My favorite subjects are Science and IT.

c) Teacher: Why are Science and IT important for you?

Vicky: Science teaches me about the human body, which is crucial because I want to be a doctor someday. IT is important because doctors use computers in their work.

d) Teacher: And why do you like these subjects?

Vicky: I like them because the lessons are interesting, and I can see how they connect to my goal of becoming a doctor.

e) Teacher: It sounds like you have a clear reason for liking Science and IT. What about you, Vicky?

Vicky: I like Science and IT because the lessons are interesting.

f) Teacher: That's great to hear. And why is Science important for you?

Vicky: Because I want to be a doctor. Science teaches me about the human body.

g) Teacher: So, you like both Science and IT?

Vicky: Yes, I do.

h) Teacher: Can you tell us more about what you do in Science and IT lessons?

Vicky: Sure! In Science, we do a lot of experiments to understand scientific concepts better. In IT, we learn to use the computer and the Internet, which I know will be important for my future career as a doctor. These subjects are very important for me.


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