Complete the sentences with Past Simple or Present Perfect
1. (be)There..
a lot of accidents last year, and there
2. (see) I..
.............Jane today, but I
her yesterday.
3. (win) Our team is very good. competitions last year, and we
two this year as well.
4. (make) The factory.....
so many last year.
5. (not play) I.
6. Mister Clark (work)
7. Molly lives in Dublin. She
8. Bob and Alice are married. They (be)...
23. It (not rain)..
24. Dad (leave)
more than 1 000 motorbikes this year; it.
25. My friend (live). when I was on holiday last summer.
9. When we were on holiday, the weather (be).
10. The weather (be)...
11. My grandfather died 30 years ago. I( never meet)
12. His hair is very short. He (have).
13. My aunt (live)......
14. When..............
15.1 (not play).
16. My bike isn't here any more. Somebody (take).
17.1 (be)............
18.1 (misplace).
19. My sister (read).
20.1 (not go)......
21. Mom (cleaning)
22. The Tv show (not start)
..he (go)
in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave up.
...(live) there all her life.
......... married for 20 years.
..very nice recently, don't you think?
a haircut. Cambridge all her life.
out? He (leave). when I (be)........
..never................... to Vienna, but, I (go).
my wallet yesterday and I ( not find)...
three books this month.
to the theatre last night because I (have to)
about ten minutes ago.
on holiday last summer.
.it. New York since he (be)
lot this
........ to Salzburg.
all morning.
...for weeks, but last month it (rain)... two hours ago, but he (not arrive)
........... a lot
20 years old.



Ответ дал: vitalikkuacom

Let's complete the sentences with the appropriate verb forms:

There were a lot of accidents last year, and there have been some this year.

I haven't seen Jane today, but I saw her yesterday.

Our team is very good. We won two competitions last year, and we have won two this year as well.

The factory made so many last year.

I didn't play golf when I was on holiday last summer.

Mister Clark worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave up.

Molly lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.

Bob and Alice are married. They have been married for 20 years.

When we were on holiday, the weather was awful.

The weather has been very nice recently, don't you think?

My grandfather died 30 years ago. I never met him.

His hair is very short. He had a haircut.

My aunt has lived in Cambridge all her life.

When did it start raining?

I didn't play tennis when I was on holiday last summer.

My bike isn't here anymore. Somebody took it.

I was there about ten minutes ago.

I misplaced my wallet yesterday, and I haven't found it.

My sister has read three books this month.

I haven't gone to the theatre last night because I had to work.

Mom has been cleaning all morning.

The TV show hasn't started yet.

It hasn't rained for weeks, but last month it rained.

Dad left for work two hours ago, but he hasn't arrived yet.

My friend has been living in New York since he was 20 years old.

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