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Ответ дал: molqe



1. we arent going to ride our bikes to school tomorrow
2. my friends are going to watch the talent show on TV
3. my mom isnt going to play tennis later
4. my dad is going to make pizza
5. my cousins arent going to visit us next weekend


1. are going to stay
2. am going to buy
3. are going to watch
4. am not going to

5. am going to travel

6. am going to work

7. am not going to serve


1. are         going to watch

2. are         going to wear

3. are          going to work

4. are          going to see

5. are             going to travel

6. are           going to study


1. i am going to wear a jaket and jeans

2. yes, she is going to work tomorrow

3. we are going to see our friend

4. no, they arent going to travel to another country next summer

5. yes, i am going to study in another town when i am 18


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